Saturday, September 20, 2008


1) Over weight people are more likely to have hypertension, arthritis, stroke, high blood cholesterol levels, diabetes and some kinds of cancer.

2) The slower the metabolic rate, the greater the weight gains. Fortunately there are metabolism booster foods. Your metabolism can be speeded up so that your body will burn fat even while sleeping! You will find a list of natural foods in the eBook to boost up your metabolism and to turn your body into a Fat Burning Machine!

3) If your thyroid is underactive, you can gain weight.The eBook will tell you a simple home-test to find if you have an underactive thyroid. Know the foods that are helpful in thyroid disorder.
The cravingsyou get can be managed and controlled. The eBook will tell you how to control cravings?

4) Your muscles are responsible for over 25% of your calorie use, burning calories even while at rest. The eBook will tell you how to train your body at home with simple exercises to boost up your metabolism. No equipment are needed to shape you up.

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