Friday, July 25, 2008

My Dream

everybody have their own dream..
a dream is the way for your subconsious mind to express it's self, solve problem and hopefully connet with youin the only way it know how-through the symbology and emotion. a dream can be wonderful, exciting, extremly vivid and full of emotion. a dream also can take on bad qualities and rapidly become nightmare that seems just as real as your walking life. whatever the case, a dream is to tell you something.

I have a dream...but i know it will never be achieve....
i alway hope, one day nobady will call me little mailto:girl@bdk kck


Nat_little girl said...

I have a bad day today..
i hate with my blog
it make me feel very bad.......
fortunetly, i will back to my home today...
at home, i want eat a lot of durian n rmbuta..
i hope i will have a nice weekend..

lilo said...

such a big dream.. huhu..
hurm.. i h0pe 0ne day ur dream will be c0me true..
never mind.. alth0ugh everyb0dy in this w0rld call u 'bdk kecik', i always will call u 'bdk ch0mey'..
keyh dear..